Current View | Tanker Fall Prevention

Tanker Fall Prevention

Current View | Bulk Liquid Transfer

Bulk Liquid Transfer

Award Winning Fall Prevention Solutions For Essex Based Minerals Provider

We were very happy to help the Essex based specialty minerals provider Imerys Aluminates improve the safety of their loading site. The company were previously relying on mounted handrails and risky fall arrest solutions such as ropes and harnesses to safeguard their employees. Relying on personal protective methods such as this are not as safe for workers and are less efficient for the site. To find out more about personal vs collective protection and fall arrest vs fall prevention check out our articles. On this site, it was vital that Imerys could access the tops of their tankers in order to open the manway covers so they wanted a system that allowed them to do this as safely as possible.

There were a few challenges that came with this project, the first being that tankers on the site could have up to six manway covers and the client wanted them to all be accessible from one location. Another challenge we faced was the angle of the top of the tankers. The tankers used by Imerys are a little taller at the front than the back, creating a noticeable slope on the surface being accessed, thus making it harder for IFC to eliminate any and all risk of falling. However, we were confident that we could come up with a solution that would tackle all of these issues.

Our proposed solution was one of our VertiLev fall prevention systems, including a safety cage, gantry and drive off protection. We used a 10m long safety cage as this matched the longest tanker that the site accommodates. An internal moving gate meant the cage could be adjusted for smaller tankers and so the system could be used on all tankers coming to the site. We designed Imerys’ system to incorporate a tilting mechanism on the cage that meant the railing could be tilted to match the slope of the tankers. By minimising the space between the tanker and the cage we also minimise any opportunity for falling from the top of the tanker. The cage, the gates and the tiling mechanism are all pneumatically powered for ease, efficiency and safety purposes. The built for purpose gantry allows easy access to the safety cage, giving workers a means of safely reaching the tops of the tankers. The gantry was designed bespoke for the site meaning it fit perfectly into the space provided for the individual needs and requirements of the site. Our drive off protection system prevents unauthorised access to the site as well as putting measures in place to avoid accidental damage cause by driving off before disengaging the system.

We planned a week for the entire installation, commissioning and handover process, with site preparation and delivery taking place the previous week. Our team were able to complete the project smoothly within 5 days with the site able to be fully operational and equipment in use the following week.

The client was thrilled with the system we put in place as they were very conscious of the safety of those working on their site. Finding a way to keep workers safe while working atop of tankers was the final step in making their site as safe as possible. The system went on to win an award for the client in 2021 for the Safer Handling of Inbound & Outbound Materials.

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