IFC Inflow at work
News & Projects

Sugar Manufacturer Require Loading Arm & Safe Tanker Access
One of the leading producers of sugar in the UK approached IFC and asked them to come up with a new system to safely and cleanly load molasses into road tankers using pneumatic powered top loading arm at one of their major

Top Tank Mobile Access Ladder For ISO Tank Access Sent To Scotland
Protecting operators from the risk of falls whilst on top of the tanks Company: Global Supplier of Specialist ChemicalsIndustry: ChemicalsSite: Scotland, UK Overview A global supplier of specialist chemicals based in Scotland, UK approached IFC for a solution to a work at

Tanker Safety Cage Installed At Allied Mills, Manchester, UK
Tanker Safety Cages help in fall prevention aiding safe tanker access Client: Allied MillsIndustry: Food, BakerySite: Manchester, UK Overview A Tanker Safety Cage was required for a manufacturer in the UK. Allied Mills is part of Associated British Foods Plc and forms part of

Nustar Terminal In Scotland Choose IFC For Loading Arm Replacement
Loading arm upgrade to replace first generation loading arms Client: Nustar Energy L.PIndustry: Independent Liquids Terminal and Pipeline OperatorSite: Clydebank Petroleum Terminal, Glasgow, Scotland, UK Overview Nustar Energy L.P is a global terminal operator with 84 tank terminal facilities for the storage

Design A Rail Car Loading System In Romania
System to safely transfer fuel & oil from one type/size of rail tanker to another Client: TVMIndustry: RailSite: Lasi, Romania Overview Bucharest based company TVM provides services for the loading and unloading of rail car based goods in Romania. They

IFC Inflow Assist Refinery Operator With Bottom Loading Upgrade
Ongoing upgrade programme to replace the first generation torsion spring loading arms Client: Midland Oil, BPIndustry: Refining and Integrated EnergySite: Midlands, UK Overview BP, a UK-based refining and integrated energy company contacted IFC to assist them with an ongoing upgrade

Electronic Controlled Bottom Loading Skid Supplied To Carrs Billington
Installation of an electronic skid for safe tanker loading to new depot Client: Carrs BillingtonIndustry: Heating Oil DistributorSite: Cockermouth, Cumbria, UK Overview Carrs Billington is one of the largest authorised oil distributors in the UK. They currently cover the North of

FC Dawes Oil Depot Upgrade From Top To Bottom Tanker Loading
Changing systems from top loading to bottom loading Client: FC Dawes & SonIndustry: Oil DistributionSite: Hitchin, Hertfordshire, UK Overview FC Dawes & Son is an independent oil distributor established for over 65 years and based near Hitchin in Hertfordshire, UK. They

IFC Are No 1 Bottom Loading Skid Supplier For Nicholl Fuel Oils
Installation of 4 new bottom loading skids for newly developed depots Client: Nicholl Fuel OilsIndustry: Oil DistributionSite: Northern Ireland Overview Nicholl Fuel Oils are a family run business and have been trading in Ireland for over 50 years. They have grown