Current View | Tanker Fall Prevention

Tanker Fall Prevention

Current View | Bulk Liquid Transfer

Bulk Liquid Transfer

Sliding Folding Stairs Provide Safe Chemical Tanker Access To Waste Treatment Company

Folding stairs for a chemical tanker

We were approached by waste treatment and transfer station, BIP Environmental. BIP handle multiple hazardous and non-hazardous products used by their customers. Tankers visiting their site require regular and thorough cleaning in order to avoid contamination when loading in new chemicals. Workers are required to get on top of the tankers when carrying out cleaning operations. This is so that they can access the lids and the inside of the tanker. The existing access solution for this was to use the ladders attached to the tankers. Without any fall prevention measures in place, these operations put workers at serious risk of fall from height related accidents.

Our recommendation

Our recommendation for creating a safer work environment for employees was that BIP have a fixed loading gantry installed. As well as folding stairs and a safety cage, offering safe access and fall prevention for cleaning operations. Tankers visiting the site had up to three lids needing to be accessed. So, it was recommended that they invest in one of our specialist sliding folding stair units. Thereby allowing a single sliding folding stair and safety cage unit to be slid along the length of the tanker and used for all 3 lids.

A unique challenge we faced on this project was the design of the tankers visiting the site. The ladders that were being used to access the tops of tankers were fixed to the side of the vehicle. As opposed to the back, making our standard design an awkward fit. We tackled this by designing a bespoke safety cage that fixed to a 9m gantry with the sliding folding stairs. Thus providing maximum safety while ensuring a seamless fit to the specific design of the tankers used on site.

Installation took a total of four days. This meant that the system was able to be implemented and in full operation within a week. BIP Environmental workers are now able to safely access the tops of tankers utilising this flexible and efficient fall prevention system, significantly reducing the risk of serious or fatal injuries taking place on site.

If you’d like to find out more or see how we can help, please contact us here.

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