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Tanker Fall Prevention

Current View | Bulk Liquid Transfer

Bulk Liquid Transfer


Hose Support System

HoseLoad is an innovative solution to your hose handling needs. It is specially designed to remove the handling challenges of loading and unloading road and rail tankers.

By removing ground-level operation HoseLoad reduces maintenance costs caused by wear and tear. Plus, by moving your operation off ground you can also mitigate against expensive overheads caused by work-place accidents. The manufacturer constructs the system from lightweight, durable materials and designs it in modular form. Therefore ensuring it is versatile and highly adaptable to any individual requirement.

Hose Support System
Features and benefits

By removing ground-level operation HoseLoad can address issues such as: trip hazards, manual handling and hygiene protection. It can also improve the efficiency of your operation by providing single-person handling.  We additionally ensure that we never compromise the bending radius of the hose. By designing custom support frames with flex joint technology. Here are some of the other features and benefits of our IFC HoseLoad:

  • Removes manual handling issues
  • Reduces trip hazards
  • Prolongs hose life and stops damage caused by dragging
  • Hygienic
  • Adjustable support angle for automatic hose drain down

Take a look at the
Hose Support System

The technical details

Below you will find all the key details for our range of Hose Support System. If you would like to discuss this in more detail, then please just get in touch.  Because, we are always happy to help and answer any queries you may have.


  • The HoseLoad system features modularity and supports hoses up to 4 inches in diameter and 6 meters long.
  • The hose support arms are sectional, so you always have the correct number of sections for whatever the length of hose.
  • A series of special cradles suspends the hose from the support arms, ensuring it does not droop or drop between supports.


  • A balance device supports the hose end coupling/connection, enabling the operator to easily connect the hose to the tanker with minimal effort.
  • We can also ensure the hose drains away from or towards the end coupling point as required by adjusting the cradles and the balancer.


We mount the support arms onto a sturdy back plate that is bolted to an existing wall or column. We also provide a support stand that customers can bolt to the floor.

Safety Equipment

When designing your system you can choose from a range of couplings.

  • Our dry disconnect couplings are ideal for uses where there’s a transfer of hazardous substances.
  • Or to mitigate the risk of damage from drive-away situations we recommend our safety break couplings.

Relevant industries

Suitable for the following sectors


Bulk Tank

& Energy

& Beverage

& Inorganics

& Distilleries

Case Study
The Hose Support System in action

We recently completed a project for a large-scale Chemical Manufacturer, therefore helping streamline their loading operations. They were looking at ways to reduce manual handling on site and reduce risks of leaks and spillages. See how we did it here.